Years ago, I still held onto my twenty-five-year-old unpublished book. It was written with barely a spark of hope of ever becoming “real.” Through a friend of a friend, I learned of a Christian Writer’s bootcamp being held in Birmingham, Alabama, hosted and taught by Denise George. I was able to attend, and she inspired my small spark to grow. I could hardly wait to get to her next one. I knew she spoke to a roomful of people, but it seemed like her words were just for me. The way she said “You can!” was so full of profound belief and gave me blessed assurance. She taught everything from apostrophes to zip drives so clearly and easily understood. So exciting! Long story short: my little hopeful spark burst into flame, and through Denise’s guidance, instruction, and support, she helped me believe “I can,” so I did!

Cheryl Gore Pollard

Author of Fording, Sunrise, Haybo, Rilyn’s Revelations: Words of a Five-Year-Old, Love Lifted Me, False Truths, Sugar Biscuits and Sweet Milk, and two published short stories